Welcome to Gourmet Ads! Here are a few tips to help you get started!

  • Place your ad tags.

    Log in to your personalized Gourmet Ads Console to access your ad tags and copy and paste the code onto your site. Need help placing your ads? Find help here.

  • Position your ad tags.

    Take note of the names of each of the ad tags we provide. They’ll be marked either ATF (above-the-fold) or BTF (below-the-fold). Advertisers prefer to run their ads above the fold, so we recommend 2 ads above the fold and no more than 3 Gourmet Ads placements on a single page. This also aids in higher viewability for your ad placements. Be sure to only use each ad tag once per page and in the correct locations. Find help here.

  • Go live!

    Our system will alert us automatically when your ad tags begin serving on your site. Once we’ve looked over your site, we’ll add it to as many relevant advertising campaigns as we can. When your ads are live, you can begin managing them through your personal dashboard in our Publisher Console. Once you login, you can:

    • Manage your account and payment information
    • Get help from our Publisher Support Team

    Once your ad tags are live you can take advantage of all of the reporting and resources the Gourmet Ads Publisher Console has to offer. Find out more about how Console can help!

    Need help getting started? Check our Publisher Support Center.