Header Bidding & Prebid

Header bidding, also known as dynamic allocation is a sophisticated advertising technique allowing Publishers to offer inventory to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously before making calls to their ad servers. We run a unified auction outside of the primary ad server, which allows advertisers to cherry-pick impressions at the highest priority. This is sometimes called “first look” and provides significant revenue uptick when applied to a Publisher’s entire ad stack.

By letting multiple demand sources bid on the same inventory at the same time, Publishers increase their yield and earnings using Header Bidding.

Features of header bidding include:

  • Higher CPMs
  • Access to Additional Demand Soruces
  • Fast response times (under 500ms)

Gourmet Ads offers publishers two type of Header Bidding Integrations for their websites.

      1. Fully Integrated via Header Page Tag
        Gourmet Ads offers all Publishers by default access to Header Bidding demand based on Prebid.org. We execute this via our Header Page Tag which on average seeing 7-8 times the demand compared to standard placement level JavaScript or Traditional Ad Tags. Gourmet Ads has done all the heavy lift here, all you need to do is copy and paste, and now you’ll be up and running with the latest in ad technology!
      1. Integrated with Prebid.org
        For publishers with advanced technical skills , Gourmet Ads has our own Prebid adaptor which can be integrated into your Prebid.org setup. By integrating directly using our Prebid adapter you’ll get all our demand

Become a Gourmet Ads Publisher to utilize these Header Bidding on your site today!