Operate a Vegan, Vegan, Vegetarian or Kosher Website? Looking for Relevant Advertising?

Most Gourmet Ads Publishers want as many different advertisers as they can to maximize earnings. However some speciality food sites, such as vegan, vegetarian and kosher sites wish to block meat and poultry, shellfish, and wine-related advertising.

We’ve listened – and now deploy the blocking of brands that are contrary to the aim of vegan, vegetarian or kosher sites. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect process and here is the reason why: A supermarket wouldn’t be blocked by default for “vegetarian” as they might run an advertising campaigns promoting multiple products, one of which might be steak. This means that it would pass through our blocking filter. Also, there are new brands advertising every day of the week. As such, it’s a constant process to prevent brands or products slipping through.

We understand the last thing you want next to your tasty Tomato and Basil Risotto on a vegetarian website is a advertisement promoting steaks, and we’re constantly innovating to make this process work better.

Gourmet Ads’ commitment to Vegan, Vegetarian & Kosher Speciality sites

Our commitment to vegan, vegetarian and Kosher speciality sites is that we will block any advertiser that does not pass standard filtering. We’ll work to enact these blocks within a 24 hour period. All you need to do it submit a support ticket from Console.

If you have a vegan, vegetarian or Kosher website, we’d like to have you part of Gourmet Ads. To get started, simply begin our application process. We’re looking forward to working with your food site