So you’ve created a food blog and are spending countless hours writing unique and interesting content. Even more,  you’re starting to get good traffic to the site. Now it’s time to consider how to make money with your food site. There are lots of solutions in the marketplace for monetizing your food blog, so we created a short how-to list to help you begin reaching your revenue goals with Gourmet Ads.

Ways to monetize your food site

  1. Your food site should be hosted on its own top-level domain, such as (not free hosted). This is extremely important as most brand advertisers will not advertise on sites hosted on blogging platforms (ie:
  2. Your food site needs to be well designed via a web designer or well done design theme. If you’re using WordPress, resist the urge to use a stock, standard food blog. It fact, these days we’ll reject food blogs that are lacking in design.
  3. You must be prepared to have at least 2 ads above-the-fold. This is essential for advertisers as the majority of clicks occur at the top of the page. You may need to re-design areas of your site to achieve this.
  4. Privacy Policy – an essential. Particular advertisers will only run their ads on sites that publish a privacy policy, see here for more it here.
  5. Gourmet Ads supports IAB size ads (728 x 90, 300×250 and 160 x 600) which are our standard sizes. However, there’s a great deal of advertiser demand for non-IAB sized ads. Food bloggers need to be prepared to run interstitials, over-the-page-ads, background skins and video.
  6. Your food blog should average  over 5000 pageviews a month, which equals to about 1000-1500 people per month.

Finally, we’re always looking for premium Publishers to join the Gourmet Ads Network, however we thoroughly review all Publisher applications. Having strict Publisher eligibility standards enables us to attract premium advertisers, which provides Publishers high-quality, visually appealing, audience-relevant advertising.